M. L. Reynolds
Marine Corps Combat Art
Marine Corps Combat Art
Mike enlisted in the Marine Corps in 2002 serving as an Ammunition Technician, and currently continues to serve today as an Ammunition Officer. After working alongside Marine Corps Combat Artist CJ Baumann III, Mike was initially introduced to the Marine Corps Combat Art Program in 2018. He took a serious approach to art in 2020 and applied for the Marine Corps Combat Art Program in 2022, earning him the FMOS of 4606, Marine Corps Combat Artist in addition to his primary MOS.
In 1942, Brigadier General Denig provided simple guidance to the select few Artists—“Go to war, do art.”— guidance that still applies today.
Following are some of Mikes’ works drawn from direct observation primarily in the field which are intended to be turned into the National Museum of the Marine Corps’ Combat Art Collection.